Want to prepare for the FE Exam or Competency Exam?
We would like to start weekly study sessions where we can all work together and not only get to know each other, but help each other out in passing our tests and do well in our courses. In the future, we can have some of our professors come and go over specific topics.
For now, we have sessions that at least one person will be available to meet. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Noé at (832)368-6809. If there are other times when you would like to meet, contact him as well.
What will be review?
FE Exam
Since all of us have to pass the FE Exam, we will be using the FE Review Manual provided by the department (the ones shown above). This includes, mathematics, statistics, statics, dynamics, geotechnical engineering, transportation, structural analysis, and others. To see the full list of topics covered on the FE Exam, click
here. If you want to learn more about what the FE Exam is all about, click
Competency Exam
We can also help each other out with material from statics, dynamics and strengths to help you pass the competency exam and start taking upper-level courses. If you have friends that are also interested, let them know.
Who can come?
This is actually open to anyone who is interested in preparing for these exams.
Why should I come?
You will have the chance to:
- Meet other CE majors and ASCE members.
- You can also learn about what upper-level courses are like and what you can do to prepare for them.
- Improve your grades
- Expand your network
- Service
- Most importantly, have fun doing what we love....Engineering!
Where do we meet?
We don't have a room reserved yet, but as soon as we get some people that are interested, we can reserve rooms in the MC, library, and even Rm 09 if we know in advance. AUS Rm 163 may be an option, we will let you know if we can have access to it.
Please, if you are interested, contact Noé or Preston for more information.