Friday, March 14, 2014

We have a winning design!

 We have a winning design by Bradley Cornell for our T-Shirt Contest!  The design will be modified slightly in order to comply with copyright rules for ASCE and BYU-Idaho.


You can place your order now until March 18th.  The price will be around $10-12, depending on the amount of shirts are ordered, so order soon, and get it for a cheaper price.


Place your order HERE


 The shirts will be distributed at the Closing Social on March 27th, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in MC 176C  For any questions, email us at

Reminders: If you have not paid your dues, you can do so by giving it to any of the officers at any of the upcoming activities or giving it to Sister Carter, front desk or Rm 159 (Austin Building).


If you are interested in serving as an officer for the following year (Spring-Fall-Winter), send us a summary (200 word limit) of why you want to serve as an ASCE officer and a picture of you.